Health Screening & Fitness Testing

Improve Health, Fitness & Wellbeing

Our G4 Physiotherapy & Fitness team provide general health screening, body measurements and physical fitness testing on request and as part of each client’s personal and fitness training programme.

Such health screening provides informative physiological data about the current state of the body and identifies any risk factors that may predispose to any form of injury, illness or disease.

Such information is beneficial for the following population:

  • Individuals requiring a periodical health check and to identify potential health risk factors
  • Individuals wishing to commence with any physical training programme and to assist with training protocols and key goal setting
  • Individuals who wish to regular monitor their body measurements (e.g. BMI & body fat percentage) and personal fitness levels as part of their training programmes or periodically for general health reasons

As part of the health screening process and as required, our team will analyse and assess each individual from the following:

  • Dietary advice
  • Identify health risk factors (e.g. cardiovascular, pulmonary or metabolic disease)
  • Posture assessment
  • Identify biomechanical implications that may predispose to any form of injury
  • Posture assessment
  • Muscular (& other soft tissues) & joint assessments

As part of the health & fitness process, the G4 team will designate and advise upon which screening and testing methods would be beneficial for each individual client. Clinic prices will vary depending on what the consultation will entail and upon your requirements and requests. Therefore, please advise during the consultation or inform the clinic prior. The consultation may involve some of the following precise measurements and testing protocols to gather informative data:

Standard Measurements

  • Standing Height
  • Bodyweight

Physiological Testing

  • Blood Pressure
  • Resting Heart Rate & other actual and predicted heart rate training zone levels
  • Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR)

Fitness Testing

(Please note, dependent upon each individual’s request & suitability, it is advised that you make contact with the clinician at the clinic before your appointment to discuss your booking and requirements as all of tests may not be applicable or advised upon)

  • Cardiovascular & Cardiorespiratory Tests
  • Flexibility & Joint Range of Movement Tests
  • Strength & Muscular Endurance Tests
  • Proprioception Tests

Body Composition

  • Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Waist Girth & Waist-to-Hip Ratio
  • Typical Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) for each client
  • Body Composition Measurements (body fat percentage)

Please note, this service is also available remotely via video calling and via virtual means applications such as Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp and Phone. For further information, please click here

Get in touch with our team

For immediate & emergency appointments please contact either our Didsbury or Wilmslow Clinic.
Alternatively you can complete our appointment booking form, or contact us for enquiries below.