The menisci are C-shaped rings of cartilage that provide shock absorption within the knee joint. The knee joint comprises of a medial menisus and a lateral meniscus, inner and outer respectively. The menisci are situated on the superior aspect of the tibial bone and help to distribute weight evenly across the knee joint. Meniscal injuries are common and can vary from mild tears, degenerative tears and severe tears that may warrant surgical intervention.
Causes: Forceful movements of the knee such as twisting are commonly associated with meniscal tears. Meniscal tears are common in sports such as football, rugby and cricket. Occupations and domestic activities that involve manual activity and working in sustained kneeling positions can also lead to meniscal injuries. As the knee joint is a weight-bearing joint, degenerative meniscal tears are common due to the menisci becoming less resilient with age.
Symptoms & Diagnosis: The most common symptoms linked with meniscal injuries are pain, localised swelling and restricted knee movement. There may also be a history of clicking, locking and giving way of the knee joint. Minor tears may heal themselves but more severe tears fail to resolve naturally.
Management: A skilled physiotherapist will help diagnose the problem accurately and provide the correct treatment and rehabilitation to assist with the recovery of the injury. An MRI scan may be required to investigate the extent of the problem. Onward referral to a consultant may be recommended for possible surgical intervention.
Please feel free to contact the G4 Clinic to speak to a member of the team for any questions that you may have.