Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Published On: 3 February 2013Categories: Ilio-Tibial Band SyndromeTags: , , ,


The Iliotibial Band (ITB) is a superficial band of tissue which extends from the pelvis, over the hip and inserts on the lateral aspect of the knee. Iliotibial band syndrome occurs when the band exerts continual abnormal frictional stresses on the outside of the knee leading to pain and inflammation and other associated symptoms.

Causes: Sports and activities that involve repetitive knee flexion and extension may irritate the ITB on the lateral part of the knee or hip. The problem is often seen in activities that involve running, cycling, hill walking and other movements associated with continuous bending and straightening of the knee. The distal part of the ITB causes friction on the lower outer aspect of the femur (thigh bone) which may cause inflammation and pain. Various biomechanical implications may contribute to the injury.

Symptoms & Diagnosis: The most common sign is pain on the outside of the knee that occurs either during activity or following sporting activities such as running, cycling and hill walking. Such aggravation of the ITB commonly leads to local pain, inflammation, swelling and stiffness of the knee joint.

Management: A skilled physiotherapist will accurately diagnose the injury and inform the client of any underlying cause to the problem. Physiotherapy will help to alleviate the associated pain, inflammation and provide the correct specialist advice to aid the full recovery of the injury. A full biomechanical assessment may be required to assist with the complete management of the problem.

Please feel free to contact the G4 Clinic to speak to a member of the team for any questions that you may have.

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