Elbow Joint Stretches

Wrist Extensor Muscle Group Stretch

8 September 2014|Common Stretches & Advice, Elbow Extension & Flexion Stretches, Elbow Joint Stretches, Tennis Elbow Stretches, Wrist Extensor Muscle Group Stretch, Wrist Joint Stretches|

  Method: Standing to face a wall place the back of your hand flat to the wall and keep the elbow straight. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds. You can [...]

Wrist Flexor Muscle Group Stretch

8 September 2014|Common Stretches & Advice, Elbow Extension & Flexion Stretches, Elbow Joint Stretches, Golfer's Elbow Stretches, Wrist Flexor Muscle Group Stretch, Wrist Joint Stretches|

  Muscle:   Method: Stand with your palm to the wall and keep elbow straight as you press the palm against the wall. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Can also repeat [...]

Elbow Extension & Flexion Stretches

8 September 2014|Common Stretches & Advice, Elbow Extension & Flexion Stretches, Elbow Joint Stretches, Golfer's Elbow Stretches, Tennis Elbow Stretches, Triceps Muscle Stretches, Wrist Extensor Muscle Group Stretch, Wrist Flexor Muscle Group Stretch|

Wrist Supination & Pronation Stretches

8 September 2014|Common Stretches & Advice, Elbow Extension & Flexion Stretches, Elbow Joint Stretches, Golfer's Elbow Stretches, Tennis Elbow Stretches, Wrist Extensor Muscle Group Stretch, Wrist Flexor Muscle Group Stretch, Wrist Joint Stretches|

  Method: Stand straight with elbow bent to 90 degrees. Turn palm up to face ceiling, slowly turn the palm down towards the floor. You could modify the movement by [...]

Wrist Radial Deviation Stretch (Abduction)

8 September 2014|Common Stretches & Advice, Elbow Extension & Flexion Stretches, Elbow Joint Stretches, Tennis Elbow Stretches, Wrist Extensor Muscle Group Stretch, Wrist Flexor Muscle Group Stretch, Wrist Joint Stretches|

    Method: Sit with your forearm resting on a table, allow the hand to rest off the table. Slowly draw the thumb upwards towards the shoulder and hold position. [...]

Triceps Muscle Stretch

20 May 2013|Common Stretches & Advice, Elbow Extension & Flexion Stretches, Elbow Joint Stretches, Shoulder Joint & Capsular Stretches, Triceps Muscle Stretches|

    Muscle Group: Triceps – 3-headed muscle situated at the back of the upper arm   Muscle Action: Primarily elbow extension but may also assist with shoulder extension Controls [...]


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