Ankle Dorsi-Flexion Stretch
Method: Sitting with leg outstretched and knee straight. Draw toes and foot towards your body. Feel the stretch at the back of the calf. You can assist by adding [...]
Achilles Tendon Stretch
Muscles: Tibialis Posterior, Peroneus Longus, Soleus, Flexor Hallucis Longus & Peroneus Brevis Methods: Stand upright facing a wall and place both hands on the wall with one foot [...]
Heel-Drop Calf Stretch
Muscles: Plantaris, Peroneus Longus, Peroneus Brevis, Gastrocnemius & Flexor Hallucis Longus Methods: Stand on a raised object or step. Place the toes of one foot on the edge [...]
Soleus Calf Muscle Stretch
Muscle: Soleus – deep muscle within the group of posterior calf muscles Muscle Action: Plantar-flexion of the ankle joint Controls ankle dorsi-flexion eccentrically Method: Stand facing a wall [...]
Gastrocnemius Calf Muscle Stretch
Muscle: Gastrocnemius, Tibialis Posterior, Plantaris, Peroneus Longus & Peroneus Brevis Muscle Action: Primarily plantar-flexion of the ankle joint & assists with knee flexion Controls both ankle dorsi-flexion and knee [...]